Sunday, October 19, 2008

Democrats, Republicans, Bailouts... What Can I Do?

I know that I am not the only one who wants to scream when they read the headlines. It is as if the common man is the whipping boy for all the government's stupidity... and then they blame Joe The Plumber! I want to gather the troops for the big march on Washington to tell the crooked Mr. Potters in Washington, "NO, We don't want to bail out crooked thieves... I mean YOU Guys..."

But, alas... the false prophet Joel O'steen has arrived with his message of faith and hope. Surely he will refocus us on ourselves. I am starting to feel warm and fuzzy all over. But then, I feel the cold slimy hand of Mr. Potter shaking my hand, trying to make a deal with me, and I say, "NO... NO... !" I will NOT deal with the Devil.

Therefore, I did do something! I went to war! I started firing my cannons into the darkness at the enemy. I had family worship! But wait, there's more... I didn't just do family worship with our family alone. No... I wanted to increase the troops. We gathered and did family worship with 2 other families! Together, we watched REAL history about Jamestown. We all gathered in the living room and listened to Doug Philips combat revisionist history with more factual history.

I didn't have combat boots on. I wasn't holding an M-16 in my hand... actually, I was holding the remote control. I was holding that most important piece of military equipment NOT because I am a guy! Rather, because I wanted to stop, and drill the FACTS into my little warriors. It's kind of like our personalized bombs that we dropped during Operation Desert Storm. We'd write on them things like, "Greetings from America." Obviously, no one would read them. It was the personal satisfaction of knowing you were bombing the enemy (Now, Now... I am NOT advocating getting satisfaction out of bombing Iraq!). I am advocating getting satisfaction out of sending Nuclear Missiles into the future to fight the spiritual battle claiming the crown rights of Christ!

Lord willing, my great grandson will go to Jamestown one day. When the tour guide speaks revisionist history to my future progeny, by God's grace, he will refute him with facts which will drop like ICBM's from the past. On the side of those bombs, it will say, "Greetings humanist... from Legacy Baptist... from Rob Hudelson... from family worship 2008!"

I do not have the audience of thousands (that is only in my mind... delusions of grandeur). My voice is small. BUT... By God's grace, we do battle with passion and zeal! WE DO FAMILY WORSHIP! Can you here the Gladiator soundtrack in the background??? The music is rising to a great crescendo... the family has mounted their horses... we are converging upon the living room with swords in hand!!!! We sing praises to the King. We throw ourselves at the enemy! With reckless abandon we will spend the next hour with daddy preaching & teaching until he sweats! I will pound my chest, extend my arm with sword in hand, and say to the troops... "For the King and the Kingdom!!!!"

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Salt & Light

Israel was given land by God, and told to take possession of it in Deuteronomy & Joshua. They were told to follow God’s laws and He would bless them abundantly. When they were blessed, the surrounding pagan nations would see that Israel’s God was THE REAL God (as opposed to their worthless idols). Israel did not follow obediently, and thereby incurred God’s judgments. The surrounding pagan nations (Assyria / Babylon) carried Israel off in judgment. Their witness to the idolatrous nations was a disaster.

America is God’s land (so is Africa, Australia, etc.) which Christ claimed to have authority over (Psalm 24; Matthew 28.18-20). The Pilgrims came to America to present the gospel to pagan savages who were idolatrous. They claimed America for Christ. The gospel was the “weapons of our warfare.” The method of taking America for Christ was NOT with bows and arrows, but gospel witness, appealing to the hearts of men & women… hence, Pochohantus. Their early family lives, and governmental lives were replete with biblical narratives.

The pilgrims desired to establish their lives according to biblical law. They were blessed. We still reap the fruit of their submission to God’s law. The pagans in the nation could not stop the pilgrims from getting blessed by God. The infidels could not stop God’s blessing upon America. America was blessed because pilgrims aligned themselves according to God’s Word. “God bless America” meant something. It meant God bless America because we want to follow God’s ways. Not so today. America despises God’s ways. And I am NOT talking about the homosexuals in San Francisco!

Israel was not carried off into captivity because the Philistines rejected God’s law.... No, they were carried of because THEY had rejected God’s law. Likewise, America falls under judgment because the church refuses to acknowledge God’s law (practically & principally interpreted & applied) in every sphere of life. America does not fall under economic judgment because the pagans do not submit to God’s ways. America falls under judgment because Christians, Churches, and Christian organizations are ashamed of the gospel. We say that we should “vote ‘Yes’ for prop 101” but we WILL NOT say that marriage is between one man, and one woman BECAUSE GOD SAID SO IN HIS WORD. We are too ashamed. The church sounds more like Joel Osteen’s gospel at this point.

The typical excuse is that we could never even get a hearing in the public arena if we used the Bible as our source. In other words, “There are giants in the land, and we are like grasshoppers in our own eyes.” This is an admission that we have rejected God’s ways. Instead of being in a powerful blessed state of affairs, we are in economic crises. Instead of building upon what God wrought in our forefathers, we have lost our legacy. Legalized abortion in America is an admission that the church has rejected God, NOT that pagans have rejected God. I suspect that we want to hold on to the good life more than we want to glorify God. We want to live in a land where our children are not subjected to homosexual teachers, and socialist thieves. Yes… comforts without cost. Christians want God’s blessing, but they don’t want to stand up and say, “The Bible says.”

Before long… Babylon… or China. How’s your Mandarin Chinese?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Are There Qualified Women?

My son is preparing for marriage. He has a vision for living for the King and the Kingdom. Does Grandma think he has lost his mind? Yes... well, she probably agrees with some of you. He is 14 years old.

Admittedly, we are not taking a passive stance on this issue. It is God's design for man to "take dominion of the earth." It is God's design for man to "be fruitful and multiply." If you think 14 years old is to young, you would really hate our dinner conversations. I am training my 5 week old to be a man, and get ready to take a wife. Be responsible and productive. Get ready NOW to take a wife and have children. Teach them to love Jesus, and be so productive that they can bless the poor and needy. Your life has meaning and purpose! Reject Americana Adolescent "sow your oats of humanism" garbage.

I want my precious children to know what life is REALLY about. I want my future generations to have a vision and passion for life which far outweighs the shallow Americana Churchianity Culture (John 10.10). I say to my 5 week old, "Two Kingdoms are at war. Be a man. Fight the battle. Have children, disciple them, and become mighty in the land (Psalm 127.5; Psalm 112.2)!" I talk to him like this, in hopes that I will continue to impress God's truth upon him every day of his life (Deuteronomy 6.4-10).

Ok... Rob, go decalf, right? NO! And again, I say "NO!" (well, it might be good for me to go decalf). But, Life is short (1 Peter 1.24). Reject passivity (Ephesians 6.11-18). Get a vision. Live with passion!

Therefore, as I pray, and look out at the landscape to find that woman whose price is "far above rubies," I am looking for...

  1. A woman In covenant with God (Gen. 18.18; 2 Cor. 6.14; Matthew 26.28)
  2. A woman with a vision for fulfilling her God ordained role as a helper to a man who takes dominion of the earth (Genesis 1.26-28)
  3. A woman with a vision for multigenerational faithfulness (Gen. 18.18; Psalm 78.1-7)
  4. A woman with a desire to bear children. (Gen. 1.2; 1 Timothy 2.15; 5.14; )
  5. A woman with a commitment to disciple (home school) her children (Deut 6.4-10; Proverb 1.8; 6.20; 31.1)
  6. A woman with an understanding of biblical submission (1 Timothy 2.9-11; Ephesians 5.22; 1 Peter 3.1)
  7. A woman with an understanding of biblical beauty (1 Timothy 2.9-10; 1 Peter 3.1-6)
  8. A woman with the practical skills and character to be a homemaker (Titus 2.5)
  9. A woman with a passion for industry, production, and generosity (Proverb 31)

If you are a dad who is not sitting back thinking things are just "going to happen," I am praying for you, and taking resumes.... ;)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Irrational Argument for Pragmatic Voting

Christian Humanists do not look to the Word to find qualifications for voting. They look to circumstances, and their own judgment. They counsel within themselves. That is why they confront me with my sin of voting third party. Their argument is:

A vote for third party is a vote for Obama
A vote for Obama is sin
Therefore, a vote for third party is sin

Hmm… Why is a vote for Obama sin? To which the humanist says, “Obama is pro abortion… and that is sinful.” When pressed, they FINALLY say, “the Bible says you shouldn’t murder.” At that point I want to say, “So the Bible is our standard?” Notice, however, the Bible did not come up in their argument. Their argument reveals the TRUE motive… namely one of pragmatism. McCain’s biblical qualifications never seem to come up until I bring it up! Then the defenses kick in… “Oh,” they say, “I feel McCain is biblically qualified.” NO… I don’t think you do… You already gave away your argument… You are voting for McCain, NOT because he is biblically qualified, but because Obama is NOT qualified by YOUR standards. That is like saying, I am voting for this lesbian because at least she is not an ax-murdering lesbian.

To place biblical standards on one of the candidates, but not the other, is hypocritical. Truth is, McCain doesn’t smite my Americana senses like Obama does… but what about God’s senses? Shall we not refuse our own humanistic standards, and ask God for HIS standard? If you think McCain is biblically qualified, then vote for him. (I would hate to be in your shoes trying to justify it, but that is between you and the Lord… I won’t love you any less… I have enough of my own sin to worry about). And if that is your point of view, it should not bother you that others find him unqualified and are voting for a 3rd party candidate.

The argument should be “Is this guy qualified? What are the biblical qualifications?”

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Economics, Ideologies, and ACORN

Ah... you have to love watching man's reasoning fall apart. "Why do the nations rage..." (Psalm 2). They do not think to themselves, "We hate God." But the truth is... they do. All men must choose. Will you follow God, or despise God. The economics of man will ALWAYS fail because God has given us insights into what system of economics WILL work. However, that system will not cure man's sinful greed, which will always reek havoc on any system of economics.

No, we may not find a step-by-step cook book approach addressing every particular issue of American economic policy. But we will always find guiding principles which should guide every area of life... even monetary policy. Oooohhh... this makes people rage! "We don't want to have to submit to any reasoning beyond ourselves!" To admit that God has something to say about how our economic decisions should be made is over-the-top... even if "In God We Trust" IS etched over the top of the Speaker's Rostrum in the House of Representatives.

God gave man private property, and responsibility to produce from that property. God then said that is sinful to steal. God also reserved the right to make some men rich, and others poor (Proverb 22.2). Along comes man, and says, "That is not just! It is not right for God to make some rich, and others poor!" Yes, man in his infinate wisdom stood in judgement of God. This worldview is called humanism. It is the root of Socialism, Marxism, Communism, and Barak Obaminism.

While capitalism as we know it may have many problems (especially since man's greed is envolved) it aligns itself with the private property, and personally responsibility principles that we find in God's Word. Therefore, the liberal ideology of "Every one should own his own home" reveals their faith. "Should" reveals a faith presupposition. Does the Bible say that every one "Should" own their own home? If you say that the Bible does, then at least we agree that the Bible is the standard. Then we agree that "Thou shalt not steal" also applies. Therefore, stealing from the rich to give to the poor is sinful.

The problem is that man wants to decide what is right and what is wrong. The Humanist wants to declare that all men should have equal bennies, and stealing is ok, as long as it benefits ME. The government indoctrinates humanism into the children through public schooling. The student grows up believing truth is relative and everyone gets to decide what is right and wrong. Eventually the absolute stupidity of that kind of thinking produces an economic crises. When the putrid ideology of humanistic economics finally comes home to roost, and the children have no food on the table, they will again rail at God, and the rich, and the capitalist, etc. This is why ACORN will force their religion on everyone possible. When the fruit of their humanistic philosophies is harvested, ecomomic crises will be the result. Should it surprise anyone that ACORN would be involved in voter fraud? As far as I know, they do not claim to be adherents to a biblical worldview. If this is true, then they also do not claim to have an absolute standard for honesty. Oh, by the way, did I mention that Barack Obama used to be ACORN's lawyer, and top trainer. He spoke at their national convention last year, etc...

All of our ideologies, and philosophies are rooted in one of two systems. They WILL HAVE ROOTS IN EITHER A BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW, OR A MAN-CENTERED WORLDVIEW. In a biblical worldview, God reserves the right to make some people poor, and some rich. In a humanistic worldview, man declares that God is unjust if He doesn't make everything "fair." Oh... by the way... if we all got what was "fair..." we would all be perishing in hell...