The foundation for the Temple of Diana was built upon a marsh in Ephesus (present day Turkey). Today, only one pillar remains standing from the 127 original pillars.
In contrast to the short lived foundations of that pagan temple, Jesus said that anyone who "hears these words of Mine [Jesus], and acts upon them, may be compared to a wise man, who built his house upon the rock." (Matthew 7.24)
There is one principle that Jesus lays out in this passage which most people continually fall over and wreck their lives with. This principle is as sure as the law of gravity, and just as devastating. This principle can account for all divorce, depression, and every kind of sorrow. Even when a person experiences the best that this life has to offer, if he violates this principle, it will catch up to him in the end.
The principle is this: No servant can serve two masters. (Luke 16.13)
It is the principle which logically corresponds to the first commandment, You shall have no gods before me. (Exodus 20.3). No man has the right to put anything before God.
We violate this principle in an untold number of ways. And when we violate it, we might not even realize we are doing it. Hence, the cycle of ruin continues.
Christians, and Atheists alike violate this principle. Both, the Atheist and the Christian who does not practice the commands of Christ, is coming from the exact same worldview... acting as if God did not exist. For the Christian, consider the cycles of sin which debilitated the Israelites and kept them from enjoying complete occupation of the Promised Land in the book of Judges. For the Atheist, I must ask you to keep reading until I can make my proof that Atheists and Christians who do not follow the commands of Christ, are coming from the exact same worldview.
Lastly, whatever provides your source of authority is the object of your worship. If you, an Atheist, say that science is your source of authority, then by definition you will view life from a particular perspective which will resemble (losely):
- Nominalism in the metaphysical
- Atheism in the theological
- Materialism in the cosmological
- Biologism (and evolution) in the anthropological
- Empiricism in the epistemological
- Utilitarianism in the ethical
- Positivism in the legal
If you follow your worldview consistently, then the outcomes will resemble these perspectives. The Christian who does not act upon God's word, is coming from your same worldview... and there are many!
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