Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Good Ways To Make Sure You Raise Spineless Panzies

I am still grappling for ways to teach manhood to my boys. But along the way, I have recognized some sure ways to teach them to be girls... Don't get me wrong... Girls should not be spineless. Girls ought to be tough... but, in a feminine way. Boys should not be girls! They ought to be men of vision, ready to conquer for the glory of Jesus Christ.

  1. Send him to public schools so the government can teach him that God has nothing to do with science, math, or any academics. The culture of the school will teach him that sex, and dating are normal worldviews.
  2. Buy into the myth of adolescents and let him "sow his wild Oates." He'll develop a pattern of irresponsibility, get a girl pregnant, and maybe one day go into politics.
  3. Put him on a sports team. Live your sports dreams through him. Maybe one day he will think the World Series is something to die for. He will be good and shallow, without vision for what really matters in life.
  4. Buy him a video game. Keep him entertained.
  5. Send him to a youth ministry so he can set up competing relationships with you. Together, with his peers, they can share their ignorance.
  6. When he sins, blame someone else.
  7. Let him sleep in.
  8. Make him go to church on Sunday, but do not ever do church at home Monday through Friday. He'll grow up a Pharisee just like you.
  9. Let your wife do all the praying in the home.
  10. Get angry alot. Deal with your wife and kids by raising your voice real loud to ensure that you get what you want. He'll grow up passionate about himself... a real terror to live with.
  11. Work alot, make alot, waste alot... he'll live for the next toy. He will not have a vision to live for something larger than the trivial.
  12. Whenever your wife nags, let him see you get mad, or cave in... sure enough, he will see you slink off to get what you want anyway.
  13. Make sure he watches alot of T.V. He will get his fill of rebellion, lust, and stupid dads.

These are just a few ways we can make our sons shallow, vain, and spineless. I am always disgusted when I see pagans raising REAL Men, and Christians raising whiners. We give away our birth rite for a bowl of soup.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Wisdom, Not Legalism

We have been chewing on “Wisdom.” More specifically the idea of wisdom guiding us between the rocks of one set of “black and whites” and another set of “black and whites” which sometimes seem to oppose each other. If we take one set without regard to another set, our “ship” shall be dashed upon the rocks. Wisdom deals with the grayer areas in between.

This is good for us, primarily because once the foundations have been laid (worldview which builds upon the words of Jesus), we must press on to building. It is like saying, “ok, we have dealt with death at the cross, now how do we deal with life in light of the cross…” This will at times get sticky, and take humility and maturity to walk out… but walk it out we must! This also flies in the face of contemporary PC. It offends people. It doesn’t line up perfectly all the time. We must be mature enough, and humble enough to work through Scripture with great joy. Instead of “dumbing down” to an un-offensive standard, we want to get at God’s heart on the matter using ALL the Word.

(Wilson illistrates what that looks like here.)

The following is from David Terry,
"God giving us his law, was an act of grace to us too! Everything God does interacting with man is always a form of his grace. We were under the Law. But no man was ever called to live “under” the law as we prisoners of modernity think of it. It was more like being under the shelter of Gods wing, the call was to live “in it” in submission to God, that ye might have life. for more:

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Difference a Wife Makes

Being an Americana man, steeped in the worthless vanities of a feministic culture, I looked at Michal and thought, “God, that just doesn’t seem fair!” Consider these things which the Bible tells us about Michal:

She was in love with David. King Saul was her father. Saul gave Michal to David to be his wife. (1 Samuel 18.20, 27-28).

Her father despised David and chased him away. Once David was out of the picture, Saul gave Michal to another man to be his wife (1 Samuel 25.44).

After she had been with her new husband, Palti, David took her back as his wife (2 Samuel 3.13-16). Paltiel (Palti) followed along behind, weeping. He could not stand the thought of giving his new wife back to David. Whether Michal liked the thought of going back to David, or not, I do not know. One thing is for sure… they weren’t asking her.

Michal saw David dancing before the Lord and “despised” him. David said it was because God chose him and not her father as king (meaning she was jealous, or bitter). (2 Samuel 6.16-23). She was cursed by God (v. 23 she remained childless… that is a curse – Deuteronomy 28.11, 18).

The American "Christian" feminist looks at this and is disgusted at the “injustices” done to Michal. A father “gives” her to a man? Her father “gives” her to another man? Her ex-husband takes her away from her current husband? She is bitter over her current husband taking the throne from her daddy, and God curses her? What is she, cattle? Is that all her life amounts to? God… that just does not seem fair. Are women created to be the property of men?

The difference between my wife and Michal is faith and obedience. It takes faith to believe that a sovereign God has a sovereign plan. People do not like that. Feminists do not like that. Spineless men do not like that. Autonomous man does not want to be told that someone created him, and has authority over him. God created us for His glory. Were you there when He created woman, and created her for the specific purpose of helping a man? Did He ask you how He should go about creating her? Did you get a choice in what her purpose would be? I did not get a choice either. God does not bother consulting with me to find out the justice of His movements… nor should He. In short, who are we to tell God He messed up?

My wife is the quintessential woman. God said it, and she does it. That is enough for her. She is not perfect. She does not always get it right. She has things to learn like the rest of us. But if she sees it in the Word, she obeys it. Many women would claim to have such faith. They do not. They are husband-cripplers. They would never trust God to work through their husband. They will not obey their husbands (1 Peter 3.6). They do not believe God will use their husbands to accomplish His own glory. They believe God is big enough to create heaven and earth, but not big enough to use their stupid, no good husband. They step in and take over. They become the man of the house. They criticize him just like Michal. They are bitter because they do not like the role of being relegated to the “back seat” of “helping a man.” Small faith says, “God made heaven and earth.” Living faith says, “God is in charge of my circumstance… even when my husband treats me like property.”

To bad Michal did not have my wife to mentor her. If so, my wife would have reminded her that God was the one shifting her from place to place. She would have reminded her that God took the throne away from her dad. She would have asked her, “If your husband dances before the Lord, and you are not happy about it… why not?” She would have helped her see, by God’s grace, bitter roots. She would point her to a God who is behind the scenes and sovereign over the affairs of man. Faith in God to “be your personal Savior” is one thing. Faith that God can save you (and has designed it for His glory) when you are receiving the fallout of weak men is another. One faith is weak, individualistic, and probably selfish. The other faith is life changing (1 Peter 3.1).

Michal’s name means “Who is like God?” In other words, “I see a Big God,” instead of “I see a weak man.” Unfortunately for Michal, she did not live up to her name. If you are a lady who finds herself bitter about her lot in life, remember Michal. Pray that God will send you a mentor that has faith that descends well beneath the surface. Pray for a mentor like my wife, who looks toward God… even as she waits upon a weak man like me!

As for my house, I will lead our children to honor such a woman. I will make memorials for all of our future generations to “rise up and call her blessed.” May they too, follow their matriarch in her example. If they do… what a dynasty my wife will have left behind!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Foundational Principles (Part One)

The foundation for the Temple of Diana was built upon a marsh in Ephesus (present day Turkey). Today, only one pillar remains standing from the 127 original pillars.

In contrast to the short lived foundations of that pagan temple, Jesus said that anyone who "hears these words of Mine [Jesus], and acts upon them, may be compared to a wise man, who built his house upon the rock." (Matthew 7.24)

There is one principle that Jesus lays out in this passage which most people continually fall over and wreck their lives with. This principle is as sure as the law of gravity, and just as devastating. This principle can account for all divorce, depression, and every kind of sorrow. Even when a person experiences the best that this life has to offer, if he violates this principle, it will catch up to him in the end.

The principle is this: No servant can serve two masters. (Luke 16.13)

It is the principle which logically corresponds to the first commandment, You shall have no gods before me. (Exodus 20.3). No man has the right to put anything before God.

We violate this principle in an untold number of ways. And when we violate it, we might not even realize we are doing it. Hence, the cycle of ruin continues.

Christians, and Atheists alike violate this principle. Both, the Atheist and the Christian who does not practice the commands of Christ, is coming from the exact same worldview... acting as if God did not exist. For the Christian, consider the cycles of sin which debilitated the Israelites and kept them from enjoying complete occupation of the Promised Land in the book of Judges. For the Atheist, I must ask you to keep reading until I can make my proof that Atheists and Christians who do not follow the commands of Christ, are coming from the exact same worldview.

Lastly, whatever provides your source of authority is the object of your worship. If you, an Atheist, say that science is your source of authority, then by definition you will view life from a particular perspective which will resemble (losely):

  • Nominalism in the metaphysical
  • Atheism in the theological
  • Materialism in the cosmological
  • Biologism (and evolution) in the anthropological
  • Empiricism in the epistemological
  • Utilitarianism in the ethical
  • Positivism in the legal

If you follow your worldview consistently, then the outcomes will resemble these perspectives. The Christian who does not act upon God's word, is coming from your same worldview... and there are many!

The Church In Sync

The American church has become the whipping boy. Pagan belief prevails, and Barak sits on the throne. Why? It is NOT because the world has been so successful. It is not because they offer better answers. Can we not learn from biblical history, let alone, European history, and American history? Nope… we never learn. Judgment starts in the house of God (1 Peter 4.17).

In what ways is your household different than that of the humanistic environment of the day? How is the culture of your home any different than any moral pagan that you know? Our art, music, fast food, little league, church clubs, etc. are in sync with the world. Syncretism is “[the] reconciliation of different beliefs” (Latin root), or “union of communities” (Greek root). In short, syncretism is to look just like the world. The church adapts their philosophies of life and sprinkles some “Jesus” sugar on it. The church then becomes absolutely irrelevant (Matthew 5.13).

Look at the culture of your home. Dare I say, Dads, look at what your daughter is wearing? How is her clothing any different than her pagan friends? The fact that you cry, “Legalist!” illustrates my point. Does God speak to clothing issues? Should she be looking the same, speaking the same, acting the same, going to the same places? If that is not syncretism, you will have to tell me what is. Is it only when she begins having sex that we will admit, “Ok, the world has influenced her.” She has had a worldview that arises out of 17 magazine and we thought nothing of it… all we can think of is… “Don’t be a legalist…” How sad! The Midianites (the Atheists of today’s public schools) say, “get up in them hills, Christians!” We don’t want your silly Christian shows. Why have a Christian substitute try to imitate the world, when our artists do it better. You have nothing for us. Just be quiet.” (Judges 6.1-2)

Dads, repent of being caught up in a culture of vanity. Who cares if the Cardinals are in the super bowl! Why do you blame your child’s lack of spirituality on God? Look around you and take responsibility for their spiritual training! There are no guarantees concerning the salvation of our children. But, if they reject Christ, may it not be because we did not exhaust every resource possible to pass on the covenant of Christ to them.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Why Family Culture Must Be Long Term (Multigenerational)

As a youth minister is seemed the focus was upon getting teens "saved." I should have stepped back and asked, "What does the Word say?"

The Bible clearly outlines that the covenant with God is passed on multigenerationally, and through families (Genesis 18.18-19). Fathers must lead. If dad is not on deck (The captain of the ship), he is teaching and training irresponsibility. He is breading rebellion against God's commands. He cannot hope to send his child to the pagan schools of humanism, and then to a "fun" youth minister and expect anything less than to raise a secular humanist.

Judges 2.10 speaks of a generation in this situation. After God had commanded them to set up memorial stones to remind their children of God's miraculous deliverances, there arose a generation who did not know the Lord. If they failed, in an era without little league, Internet, x-box, etc. etc. how much more intentional should we be?

If the culture (sights, sounds, smells, art work, conversations) of your house is not tied to the excellencies of Christ, it WILL be tied to the shallowness (or perversity) of the prevailing culture of the day.

We study history by digging up art, artifacts, manuscript fragments, etc. If they were to dig up your house 300 years from now to find out about the culture of your house... our your face book page, what would they discover?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Perspective Suitor Questions

I recognize my responsibility as a dad, to protect my daughters in the area of transition toward marraige. I really do not relish the idea of giving them to a complete knuckle head... worse yet, some abusive, self-oriented, worthless, 2-bit, punk-of-a-man who will trample on that which I have spent years investing in. So, I prayed through a list of important questions that I want to ask this young "Knight in shining armor" to see if he really is a knight, or a dweeb.

I certainly need all the collective wisdom that I can get, so please add to, or provide perspective to the already listed questions...

Suitor Questions
  1. What is your understanding of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Bible?
  2. What is your understanding of Man, Man's problem, Man's solution?
  3. What is your understanding of Man's purpose on Earth?
  4. How are you (and will you) go about practically fulfilling that purpose as a husband and father?
  5. How do children fit into the picture?
  6. What is your perspective on the role of the in-laws?
  7. What is your understanding of debt? How much debt do you have?
  8. How do you deal with conflict?
  9. What does it mean to "Sanctify your wife," and how is that done practically?
  10. How would you discipline your children? Take me through a scenerio.
  11. What are your top 3: Heroes, Books, Songs, Movies
  12. Have you EVER looked at pornography?
  13. Lets schedule a project with you, me, Gabe, and Micah together (maybe a 40 mile swim, hike, shooting outing)
  14. Do a family project with us.
  15. We need to do a project with your family.
  16. Do you have your parents blessing... when can I talk to your dad?

Obviously, this would take a little bit of time, but isn't that the point. Some may say, "Goodness... if that is the case, forget it mister..." To which I say good! This is bare minimum stuff... These are things that a man of God is hungry for anyway! If this weeds out the "riff-raff," so much the better, you are not worthy of a Proverb 31 woman.

As far as the answers for the above questions, yes, I have Scriptural answers packed and ready to disciple this young man. I don't expect that he will be ready with "all the right answers." I will start with his character, and be ready to disciple him... and any father should. We live in an age with a severe lack of male leadership. To expect a young man to be perfect misses the point. To expect him to have character and be teachable is closer to reality. But to post the answers... I am not giving him that chance! I want to know his thoughts FIRST :)