Dr. Dobson, O, Dr. Dobson… Our captain [you] are on the deck and dying. Yes, for many in the evangelical community, Dr. Dobson carries more weight than Jesus! No, they would never say it that way. I love my brother, James Dobson. I disagree with him on those articles where he has sprouted forth fruit from a humanistic perspective. One of his dramatic disembarking errors is the self-esteem teachings, but thusly I save that for another time. The current topic at hand is a recent article concerning this question: What immediate changes would you make in junior and senior high schools to improve the learning environment there?
Had I not read it from a Focus on the Family magazine, I would have thought some pagan principal had written it. His answer to the question at hand is, “Most important, we must make schools safer for students and teachers.” This is his response as a representative of Jesus Christ. The reasoning goes: Government schools are dangerous schools. Dangerous schools should be made safe. Therefore, government schools should be made safe.
Before we jump on the Jimmy bandwagon, let’s ask a few pertinent questions. Where does the Bible tell Christians that they should prop up pagan institutions? Who are Christians to rush in and fight for the building up of a school of humanism? Does the Bible tell us to establish schools which deny the authority of Christ? When the pagans kill each other because they will not submit to God’s authoritative Word, does God want the Christians to rush to their aid? Humanism will always ultimately eat its own (John 10.10). I will offer a different solution: Proclaim the authority of Jesus Christ in every area of life.
Without the authority of the absolute rule of Jesus Christ in every area of life, protection becomes a matter of degree, and chronology. It is only a matter of time until the bully in 1st grade, who is taught that he evolved from a monkey, will grow up into an angry nihilist with a gun planning his tirade. Government schools, by nature, cannot teach something that undermines their agenda (submission to the government… and you thought it was education?). To teach alternative possibilities would be self-defeating.
Most importantly, we are called to proclaim the Kingdom of God, and extend God’s authority in every area of life through evangelism and discipleship. What should we do to save government schools? Evangelize! We should call them to repent and believe in Jesus Christ, who claims authority over their lives (not just Christians) (Matthew 28.18-20). We are not called to make schools in rebellion to God safer.
Let me address the pink elephant in the paper. Christian parents are saying, “But my child is in that school!” I ask you, where does the bible put the responsibility for teaching and training of children (Deuteronomy 6.6-9)? If a government school is humanistic in its worldview, it can only teach all of its subjects from a humanistic perspective. How can we biblically send our children to the Babylonians for their education? Please reconsider your parental duties, and values. Your children will grow up thinking from a humanistic worldview. Christians respond to life from the humanistic worldview… Dr. Dobson is.
Even if we agreed that the schools should be made safer, where would we draw up our plans to implement? How will we go about making them safer? Dr. Dobson offers, “Armed gaurds? Maybe. Metal detectors? If necessary. More expulsions? Probably. No-nonsense administrators? Definitely.” And what will we consider offensive enough for expulsion? Nakednesss? Armed robbery? Homosexual activity? What will be our standard for what is good and bad behavior. The homosexual moms certainly cannot handle your little Johnny telling their child that homosexuality is “sin.” So will we expel Johnny? The point is, there is no reference point for truth in a school which teaches that there is no reference point for truth! Duh! (word depicting a self evident truth).
In Summary, God commissioned us to evangelize the lost, and call them to surrender to the authority of Jesus Christ in the way they do schools (in this case). God did NOT commission Christians to prop up pagan institutions, rather, He told us to take dominion for His glory. When people refuse to acknowledge and honor God, they are an abomination to God. By default they will destroy each other. Christians should be salt and light, ready to offer hope in Christ, and a biblical worldview, which does not include humanistic government schools.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Biblical Economics
Scripture shows that the greed of man pushes him towards consumption. History reveals the same. Israel debased “watered down” their coinage (Isaiah 1.22). Greece debased their money, Rome debased their money, and the list goes on. It is typical that governments will water down the money supply to pay for the things that it wants (war, welfare, etc.). We are SO typical of nations throughout history… buying things that we cannot afford… selling our children into slavery… consuming the future inheritance. Again, my summary of the Humanistic Worldview is Short-term, Individualistic, Consumers… or (S.I.C.) for short. Our current economic scenario is the result of man’s greed. And our poor politicians have no anchor or compass to give a stable response. They will do what is best to win them votes… take care of the short term (leave it to our kids to pay). What will happen to the value of the dollar when that $70 billion (last estimate I knew) hits main street? Where is it going to come from… thin air, that’s where… The supply of a gazillion dollars injected into the economy will make each dollar worth less. During WWII the German marc had become so inflated that the cost of everything went through the roof. Of coarse, this is mere economic theory which has as many opinions as Baptists do about… anything. But we could learn from history. Time magazine reported, February 9th, 1923 that the German printing presses were pumping out 45 billion marks every day. By November they were pumping out 500 quadrillion a day. A single egg went from .08 marks to 80 billion marks. When you print money out of “thin air” the value will eventually plummet. You cannot rape the ground. And we know that we live in a humanistic society that is adverse to God’s ways.
Therefore… I think it would be wise to start planting a garden! Soon your veggies may well be worth their weight in gold! Lord, please show us how to become producers who are empowered by YOU to make wealth (Deuteronomy 8.18) to pass on an inheritance to our children, for the keeping of the covenant with YOU… that they might KNOW YOU, and be MIGHTY IN THE LAND, putting forth YOUR ways, calling men to repentance and life.
To the King, and the Kingdom!
P.S. I realize that economic theory is just that… theory. Many say that “fiat money” is NOT debasing the monetary supply. However, I would agree with Murray Rothbard, that our Central Banking System which creates fiat money is an inherently immoral system. For his free book download click here. Economist, I am NOT… I readily admit that. But I have not yet heard any good refutations coming from a biblical worldview. Economics may seem dry as dust. We can see how humanism has effected the nation in so many ways. Economics is just another… but it is a big one… For some good Homeschool resources concerning economics from a biblical worldview click here
Therefore… I think it would be wise to start planting a garden! Soon your veggies may well be worth their weight in gold! Lord, please show us how to become producers who are empowered by YOU to make wealth (Deuteronomy 8.18) to pass on an inheritance to our children, for the keeping of the covenant with YOU… that they might KNOW YOU, and be MIGHTY IN THE LAND, putting forth YOUR ways, calling men to repentance and life.
To the King, and the Kingdom!
P.S. I realize that economic theory is just that… theory. Many say that “fiat money” is NOT debasing the monetary supply. However, I would agree with Murray Rothbard, that our Central Banking System which creates fiat money is an inherently immoral system. For his free book download click here. Economist, I am NOT… I readily admit that. But I have not yet heard any good refutations coming from a biblical worldview. Economics may seem dry as dust. We can see how humanism has effected the nation in so many ways. Economics is just another… but it is a big one… For some good Homeschool resources concerning economics from a biblical worldview click here
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Articles of Decla – What?
Unfortunately, after all my schooling I was left repeating my brainless mentor’s phrases who had gone before me. Since I was a member of the Fast Times at Ridgemont High society, I did exactly what the United States of Americana Socialist Republic wanted me to do! I burned up my brain cells learning wisdom from the lunacy screen. It was like holding your breath until you passed out, and we thought it was fun. The monetary price of watching such mind numbing movies is not near what it will cost you in stupidity… just ask everyone who watched Napoleon Dynamite… better yet, don’t bother. They would be the ones saying, right now, “Dude, what’s his beef against Napoleon… that was so awesome, man!!!” Ask them when the Articles of Confederation were written, and you would get the same blank stare that my governmentally brain washed face would give you.
The point is humanism and socialism want to cut us off from our past! They major on the trivial and worthless hoping to lure any unsuspecting victim into mindless dribble called amusement (literally: to “not think”). So we have squandered our inheritance which was bought for us in blood, literally. And what was the price? What have we gained? Our fore fathers died so that we could… what? Fritter away time, and liberty picking our noses in the corner like some little spoiled brat screaming, “Give me more!” “I want my MTV!” There’s a real winner for you… some real cream of the system’s crop. Hall & Slater recognize this saying, "As educators in Christian schools we need to become aware of the fact that progressive education is not educationally oriented. Progressive education is politically oriented to produce both the philosophy and the character of socialism." Slater, Rosalie J. ; Hall, Verna M.: Teaching and Learning America's Christian History. American Revolution Bicentennial ed. San Francisco : Foundation for American Christian Education, 1975, S. 91
I hear you now. You are one of those from the system. You are angry with my lack of respect for your socialistic worldview. “I was public schooled, and I know all about the Articles of Confederation.” Yes, sir, you may. But you had to swim upstream to learn, and the education you got was most likely half baked. If you look just beneath the surface of that diploma you will find the stamp of government approval. The state has thoroughly stolen years from you and made you think that facts can be interpreted without God. The biggest thing you learned is that God is irrelevant to history. Now, if you want to know the truth, you will have to go read original documents for your self… that may take too much work for an entertained person to do. So, let’s put on another round of stupidity, fuse together some more brain cells, blow another evening in mind numbing activity, and forget about the blood bought Christian American History… We are not worthy of it, anyway.
The point is humanism and socialism want to cut us off from our past! They major on the trivial and worthless hoping to lure any unsuspecting victim into mindless dribble called amusement (literally: to “not think”). So we have squandered our inheritance which was bought for us in blood, literally. And what was the price? What have we gained? Our fore fathers died so that we could… what? Fritter away time, and liberty picking our noses in the corner like some little spoiled brat screaming, “Give me more!” “I want my MTV!” There’s a real winner for you… some real cream of the system’s crop. Hall & Slater recognize this saying, "As educators in Christian schools we need to become aware of the fact that progressive education is not educationally oriented. Progressive education is politically oriented to produce both the philosophy and the character of socialism." Slater, Rosalie J. ; Hall, Verna M.: Teaching and Learning America's Christian History. American Revolution Bicentennial ed. San Francisco : Foundation for American Christian Education, 1975, S. 91
I hear you now. You are one of those from the system. You are angry with my lack of respect for your socialistic worldview. “I was public schooled, and I know all about the Articles of Confederation.” Yes, sir, you may. But you had to swim upstream to learn, and the education you got was most likely half baked. If you look just beneath the surface of that diploma you will find the stamp of government approval. The state has thoroughly stolen years from you and made you think that facts can be interpreted without God. The biggest thing you learned is that God is irrelevant to history. Now, if you want to know the truth, you will have to go read original documents for your self… that may take too much work for an entertained person to do. So, let’s put on another round of stupidity, fuse together some more brain cells, blow another evening in mind numbing activity, and forget about the blood bought Christian American History… We are not worthy of it, anyway.
The Articles of Confederation
When the Continental Congress of 1776 wrote their initial declaration of independence on July 2, 1776, they knew that they would have to communicate to the world as a united states or they would be vulnerable to any attackers. On July 4, 1776 they made that declaration as The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America. Within the resolution of the Continental Congress was the sentence, “… that a plan of confederation be prepared and transmitted to the respective colonies for their consideration and approbation. Hence, the plan for confederation produced The Articles of Confederation in 1781. The Articles of Confederation was our nation’s first official national governing documents. These Articles fell far short of the grand expectations which were placed upon them. The Articles of Confederation were so protective of states rights that it left the federal government impotent. The Constitution must be interpreted in light of trying to fix the failures which arose in The Articles of Confederation. Obviously, none of this matters if you take the current philosophy of law exemplified by Jack Rakove of Stanford University called “progressive justice,” which gives birth to a “Living Constitution.” This is classic relativism in black robes. It sets the stage for judges to interpret the Constitution however they like… just look at California. As America is held hostage by a few confused intelligentsia, the duped masses are whining to the state to fix things… just what the socialist agenda wanted… more state goodies offered, more state control. This is NOT what the founding fathers had in mind. Nor is it the Biblical alternative.
Principium Imprimis -- First Principles
The Patriot Post is a newsletter that contains some good information. America was founded upon Christian principles. We have memorial stones that preach to us. Our forefathers left a heritage for us concerning Jesus Christ! To let their blood go down, and their testimony of our Lord be stolen... it is shameful. The Bible is the source of truth. Truth manifested itself within the founding of this nation. Patriot Post is a good secondary source...
Patriot Post: "As a leading national advocate for individual liberty, the restoration of constitutional limits on government and the judiciary, and the promotion of free enterprise, national defense and traditional American values, The Patriot Post abides by the following Statement of Principles as our Credo. We believe that individual liberty and personal responsibility, together with limited government, free enterprise and a stalwart national defense, constitute the foundation of our national heritage. Individual liberty rapidly decays into corruption and anarchy without a meaningful commitment to personal responsibility based on our nation's Christian heritage. Traditional beliefs and values must therefore continue to serve as our touchstone and compass for the rest of the article from Patriot Post" http://patriotpost.us/main/principles.asp
Patriot Post: "As a leading national advocate for individual liberty, the restoration of constitutional limits on government and the judiciary, and the promotion of free enterprise, national defense and traditional American values, The Patriot Post abides by the following Statement of Principles as our Credo. We believe that individual liberty and personal responsibility, together with limited government, free enterprise and a stalwart national defense, constitute the foundation of our national heritage. Individual liberty rapidly decays into corruption and anarchy without a meaningful commitment to personal responsibility based on our nation's Christian heritage. Traditional beliefs and values must therefore continue to serve as our touchstone and compass for the rest of the article from Patriot Post" http://patriotpost.us/main/principles.asp
Pathology of the Left
Mark AlexanderFrom Patriot Post Vol. 05 No. 08; Published 25 February 2005 Print Email PDF In 2003 the American Psychological Association printed a study by a few academicians from Cal-Berkeley and the University of Maryland. The study, entitled "Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition," purported to have identified some determinants that are common to those holding a "conservative" worldview. As one reads the report, it becomes readily apparent that their "norm" -- that is, their control group -- was somewhere to the left of SanFranNan Pelosi and her Ya Ya sisters, Babs Boxer and Di Feinstein -- but then, what are we to expect from Cal-Berkeley and UM, or just about any of our nation's "leading" academic institutions? The authors received more than 1.2 million of your hard-earned tax dollars from the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation in order to, by their own account, "consider evidence for and against the hypotheses that political conservatism is significantly associated with (1) mental rigidity and closed-mindedness; (2) lowered self-esteem; (3) fear, anger, and aggression; (4) pessimism, disgust, and contempt; (5) loss prevention; (6) fear of death; (7) threat arising from social and economic deprivation; and (8) threat to the stability of the social system." http://patriotpost.us/alexander/edition.asp?id=295
No Moral Foundation, No Patriotism...
Without question, the founding fathers knew that without a moral foundation, there could be no e pluribus unum "out of many one." The very thing that could bind "one" together from the many was the absolute truth of scripture. As men submitted to scripture, and exhibited self control, our country would prosper. Without a common absolute truth, man is left to do what is right in his own eyes. The landmarks representing this attestation to the founders recognition of this fact are too numerous to count... Starting with self government, then proceeding to family, church, and state government, when all are submitted to the laws of Christ, there can be unity, productivity, and patriotism. "With the appearance of our Lord there was set forth the only cause for individual action which would ever produce real consideration for others. Christ Jesus in “fulfilling the law” commanded the Christian to make the law not cause—but effect—the effect of his individual, internal salvation. This is the reason why our American Republic and our American Christian Constitution cannot function from a position of law enforcement. While the Ten Commandments form a foundation for our laws they cannot compel obedience. The law cannot make a man “do that which is good”. The Christian obeys the law because he has already accepted the saving grace of Jesus Christ as his redemption from sin and lawlessness. The cause of his obedience—that which “fulfills all the law and the prophets”—is his acceptance of Christ. The effect of his salvation is expressed in the citizen who fulfills the law rather than abides by the law. This position is that of the New Testament Christian. “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.” (Romans 8:2). Thus while dealing with crowded classrooms of students the Christian Educator is actually teaching each individual student to become internally governed through his commitment to Christ. This is Christian self-government. Without Christ it would be man governing himself through relativistic moral attitudes. The great strength of our republic becomes evident when it is seen that the founders put the responsibility for local, state and national government, not upon the group but upon the integrity of individual action. Thus the cause and purpose for right action begins with individual fulfillment of the first commandment of the New Testament. If love for God and Christ becomes the dominant theme of an individual’s life then the second commandment of our Lord will follow in its rightful place and society will benefit far more than when concern for the group takes precedence over love for, and obedience to, our precious Saviour." Slater, Rosalie J. ; Hall, Verna M.: Teaching and Learning America's Christian History. American Revolution Bicentennial ed. San Francisco : Foundation for American Christian Education, 1975, S. 105 SAMUEL ADAMS There were very few whose minds could comprehend the important distinctions which were then agitated, or whose reasoning could discern the approaching events of that controversy. Mr. Adams, buoyed up by a sense of the justice and righteousness of the colonists’ demands, stood forth first in their defence, and heroically won his title—The Father of the Revolution. In 1764, he was elected to prepare the instructions of the town of Boston to their representatives in the General Assembly. The document is now in existence, and contains the first public denial of the right of the British Parliament to tax the colonies. Frank Moore*, American Eloquence: A Collection of Speeches and Addresses, by the most Eminent Orators of America; with Biographical Sketches and Illustrative Notes, New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1857, 1: 320. Let divines and philosophers, statesmen and patriots, unite their endeavors to renovate the age, by impressing the minds of men with the importance of educating their little boys and girls, of inculcating in the minds of youth the fear and love of the Deity and universal philanthropy, and, in subordination to these great principles, the love of their country; of instructing them in the art of Self-Government, without which they never can act a wise part in the government of societies, great or small; in short, of leading them in the study and practice of the exalted virtues of the Christian system. Samuel Adams*, Samuel Adams to John Adams*, 4 October, 1790, in Four Letters: Being an Interesting Correspondence Between Those Eminently Distinguished Characters, John Adams, Late President of the United States; and Samuel Adams, Late Governor of Massachusetts. On the Important Subject of Government, Boston, MA: Adams and Rhoades, 1802, 9–10. Hall, Verna M.: The Christian History of the Constitution of the United States of America, Vol. I. Christian Self-Government. Founders Edition. San Francisco : Foundation for American Christian Education, 2006, xiv
The Constitution "In the Year of our Lord." Obviously, 1787 was that year, and it was referring to Jesus Christ
The Constitution "In the Year of our Lord." Obviously, 1787 was that year, and it was referring to Jesus Christ
The Supreme Court has spoke, and its voice is the law of the land?
“A worldly or non-Christian philosophy of law is equally expressed by those people who say that the Supreme Court has spoken, and its voice is the law of the land. Whatever the government decrees, that we must do, say they.… Christian governments have no such tyrannical license. They, rather, are limited in their power and can enforce only God’s laws. All modern socialist states, which are established on the proposition that the Father of Jesus Christ is no longer God, have had to repeal the laws based upon the Ten Commandments and erect a tyrannous system whose only consistent threat is that nobody can challenge or question the power of the government. In Soviet Russia, we are told, there is no capital punishment. There is no punishment at all. One is simply eliminated for crimes against “the people” (the Communist Party) In Russia men die for crimes against the state—but not for crimes against God. “The socialist system has reverted to the most degenerate of all the forms of ancient paganism, recalling Israel’s bondage in Egypt and the savagery of Carthage. The American flyer, Francis Powers, whose trial was a vast propaganda move to establish the socialist principle of human law, was not tried as a military agent of an enemy power but as a criminal. Spying was not treated as the act of war which it is, thus deserving whatever penalty the warring power deems fit, but as a crime. The meaning of that trial was that the world was informed of the new pattern of law to be imposed upon it: that crime is an offense against world government—not against God.” Slater, Rosalie J. ; Hall, Verna M.: Teaching and Learning America's Christian History. American Revolution Bicentennial ed. San Francisco : Foundation for American Christian Education, 1975, S. 103
Max Blumenthal - Liberalism's lack of argument
The only thing worse than Max's straw men arguments, and his red herrings is the fact that he successfully gets under the skin of his conservatives that he catches off gaurd. He has nothing to say toward any argument, or as Michelle Malkin notes, "intellectual debate." His worldview can only handle materialistic, socialistic, etc. Therefore, to debate based upon principle is immpossible for him. He is left with ad hominem attacks. Too bad, though. He could become our best ally. If we would respond humbly, intellegently, and patiently, his folly would rise to the surface. It is tough to do in a world where the socialism of the day has successfully dumbed us down to the point where we think in the pathetic patterns of Napolean Dynamite. Work through this video. Outline the REAL issues. Lay out what is really being argued about. Point out for yourself and your children the fallacies that Max uses. He NEVER addresses the real issues. In fact, that does not even seem to be his point. His desire "seems" to be that he merely wants to "smear" the conservatives. Well... he did a good job. We reacted emotionally. Let us learn, and invite him back so that we can respond with Truth instead of emotions. When it comes to Truth, Max's foolish worldview has nothing to stand on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByLqJD36F7E
Victim Mentality, and the Transfer of Responsibility
I was not clearly connecting the dots between the Liberal's victim mentality, and socialism. I still see it through the fog, like looking through a smokey room in some sleazy joint. I know from the Bible that humanists will readily seek to blame someone else instead of taking responsibility for their own actions (Genesis 3.12-13). I am beginning to see how the liberals want to transfer individual responsibility to the state. They want the state to step in and be responsible for their irresponsible sexual practices (fund abortion, welfare, etc.). They want the state to step in and parent their children (education, NEA, Teacher's unions, etc.). The humanistic worldview naturally leads to big government, and socialism. If we have no absolute foundation for what is good, right, and true, everyone does what is right in his own eyes. When he goes against the natural laws given by God governing the universe, he has to blame someone else. Instead of choosing to do right, he is the "helpless victim of his hormones and DNA." How sad! For 6,000 years people have been able to take responsibility for their own actions, but our poor helpless homosexuals, prisoners, etc. are the helpless, spineless victims of their emotions, and environment. Their chant is, "We deserve!" "It is not our fault!" "Government should do something!" To these statements I must add two things: One, The Founding Fathers of America didn't see it that way. The references to their belief in moral absolutes, and self governance are too replete to post. If you do not see those many references, it is because you do not want to. Two, moral absolutes exist because Jesus Christ rose from the grave. Jesus Christ holds all things together by the power of His will (Colossians 1.16-17). But to accept this, we must all say... "It is my fault. I have sinned." To say this requires repentance ("change of mind") which would mean the total denial of their worldview (humanism). That may be something that is just too much to bear.
The Culture of Death - Proverb 8.36
Humanism is the worldview of the left. Humanism is the culture of death (Proverb 8.36). The culture of death loves abortion and hates life. The culture of death loves spineless "macho" men who play with big boy toys instead of leading their families. They love self instead of service. The culture of death loves feminism and hates submission. The culture of death worships youth and hates the elderly. The culture of death loves socialism (victims helplessly asking the state to govern them), and hates America / capitalism (every man being morally responsible to act for the good of society). The culture of death loves homosexuality, and hates marriage. The culture of death emanates out from a worldview that excludes moral absolutes. The liberal prefers bondage of state control over exercising control over his own sinful lusts... a despicable concept to the founding fathers of America... which is why the culture of death hates REAL American history. It reminds them of a people who fought for self government... something worth dying for.
Adolescents... Myth, or Truth?
After 10 years of youth ministry, I couldn't convince any parents to leave their unbiblical ideas of adolescents behind. Here is just a taste of supporting evidence. Click here http://www.visionforumministries.org/issues/cross_examination/the_invention_of_adolescence.aspx
Why Should I Vote?
This question has come up. Quite honestly, I think it is a good question, since I had really taken it for granted. So, I grab my cup o' Joe, and begin talking to Jesus about it. I put forth the following as my argument for our responsibility to vote:
Psalm 24.1; Psalm 2.1; Matthew 28.18-20
The earth is the Lord's. All men should submit to His ways of taking care of His earth. Yes, even the pagan man will be held responsible for either submitting to the Lord's ways, or rebelling against them. Dominion and the gospel means that every sphere of life should be placed under the authority of Jesus Christ. If I am the head of the County Transportation Committee, that is my goal. If I am the Fire Chief, that is my goal. Along the way, I share the gospel and call men to repent of their unwillingness to govern the earth according to God's Word. Proposition: All men should govern the earth for God's glory
Romans 13
God established the civil authorities to punish evil doers. The rod is for the house, the keys (church discipline) are for the church, and the sword is for the civil government. Proposition: Civil government is God-ordained to restrain evil.
1 Timothy 2.1-3
God has given us the responsibility to pray for our leaders, that we would enjoy certain liberties. When righteous men are put into office, people rejoice (Proverb 29.2). Prayer assumes a willingness to respond to God's will (John 15.7-8). Since we enjoy the liberty of voting for righteous men, it would seem to me to be a contradiction to pray for righteous leaders, and yet not vote for them when we get the chance. Proposition: Christians are responsible to pray for and vote for righteous candidates.
Since God created the earth, and commissioned man to exercise dominion for His glory, we are responsible to press the authority (share the gospel) of Christ into every area of life.
Since Civil Government is established by God, it is a legitimate sphere. As Christians, we are to be salt and light in that sphere, calling men to submit to Christ's authority in that realm. This alone entails a willingness to serve in that realm, if the Lord leads (ex: Jonah 3.6; Acts 8.27, etc.).
Since a Christian's desire is to see Jesus exalted in every area of life, he should pray for the righteous to lead the nation, and serve for the glory of King Jesus, if the Lord should so lead.
Since we should pray for, and serve in that capacity, we should also vote for righteous leaders.
*** Side note. It is difficult for me to conceive of teaching my children American history without teaching them the legitimacy of the revolution. I believe our nation's founders had a biblical worldview that entailed the responsibility to establish a republic like ours. I am still learning about the reasons for the revolution. This only points out how far behind THEM we really are. For them to see biblical principle sufficient to go to war... and yet I can not see biblical principle for men to vote... hmm...
Psalm 24.1; Psalm 2.1; Matthew 28.18-20
The earth is the Lord's. All men should submit to His ways of taking care of His earth. Yes, even the pagan man will be held responsible for either submitting to the Lord's ways, or rebelling against them. Dominion and the gospel means that every sphere of life should be placed under the authority of Jesus Christ. If I am the head of the County Transportation Committee, that is my goal. If I am the Fire Chief, that is my goal. Along the way, I share the gospel and call men to repent of their unwillingness to govern the earth according to God's Word. Proposition: All men should govern the earth for God's glory
Romans 13
God established the civil authorities to punish evil doers. The rod is for the house, the keys (church discipline) are for the church, and the sword is for the civil government. Proposition: Civil government is God-ordained to restrain evil.
1 Timothy 2.1-3
God has given us the responsibility to pray for our leaders, that we would enjoy certain liberties. When righteous men are put into office, people rejoice (Proverb 29.2). Prayer assumes a willingness to respond to God's will (John 15.7-8). Since we enjoy the liberty of voting for righteous men, it would seem to me to be a contradiction to pray for righteous leaders, and yet not vote for them when we get the chance. Proposition: Christians are responsible to pray for and vote for righteous candidates.
Since God created the earth, and commissioned man to exercise dominion for His glory, we are responsible to press the authority (share the gospel) of Christ into every area of life.
Since Civil Government is established by God, it is a legitimate sphere. As Christians, we are to be salt and light in that sphere, calling men to submit to Christ's authority in that realm. This alone entails a willingness to serve in that realm, if the Lord leads (ex: Jonah 3.6; Acts 8.27, etc.).
Since a Christian's desire is to see Jesus exalted in every area of life, he should pray for the righteous to lead the nation, and serve for the glory of King Jesus, if the Lord should so lead.
Since we should pray for, and serve in that capacity, we should also vote for righteous leaders.
*** Side note. It is difficult for me to conceive of teaching my children American history without teaching them the legitimacy of the revolution. I believe our nation's founders had a biblical worldview that entailed the responsibility to establish a republic like ours. I am still learning about the reasons for the revolution. This only points out how far behind THEM we really are. For them to see biblical principle sufficient to go to war... and yet I can not see biblical principle for men to vote... hmm...
Friday, September 5, 2008
The Poitics of Dominion
With so much going on politically in our nation, a God-fearing man's head could spin trying to keep up. Serious questions arise. Will you vote pragmatically? Will you vote as if God's word has nothing to say about females in the civil magistrate?http://forkingandkingdom.blogspot.com/2008/09/sarah-palin-and-pragmatic-christianity.html
See here for more biblical principles concerning voting:http://www.visionforumministries.org/issues/ballot_box/
See here concerning biblically qualified candidates:http://baldwin08.com/Pro-Life.cfm
See here for more biblical principles concerning voting:http://www.visionforumministries.org/issues/ballot_box/
See here concerning biblically qualified candidates:http://baldwin08.com/Pro-Life.cfm
"Rob... use your common sense!"
I can't tell you how many times I have heard this. Other phrases like, "That is what God gave you a brain for, isn't it?" These statements are usually told to me by well meaning friends who, at the threshold where faith meets practice, think I should suddenly resort to walking by sight.
What is the standard for dictating what qualifies as "common sense?" When your common sense is opposite of my common sense, what will be our objective standard? for more...
What is the standard for dictating what qualifies as "common sense?" When your common sense is opposite of my common sense, what will be our objective standard? for more...
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Sarah Palin and Pragmatic Christianity
I come to you today in the spirit of the republican VP hopeful, Sarah Palin … that tigress… the “Barracuda”… the one who takes on corruption and good ol’ boy politics with courage and tenacity! She is the great one who finally brings character and integrity to politics. She means what she says, and says what she means. She has a spine to confront the “Mr. Potters” of the world! In short… she is everything that I would want a male politician to be (I am speaking of standing up against corruption, fraud, deception, etc.) I know very little about her, but the little I have heard and seen raises this thought… A. She does not seem to be concerned about being politically correct… she actually has something to say. B. Why can’t we find any men to do this?
Definition of “Pragmatism.” Testing the validity of all concepts by their practical results. Synonyms include: utilitarian, realistic, logical. (Webster’s New World Dictionary).
For my pragmatic voting brothers, I would think that Mrs. Palin was an excellent choice. It would seem to be a home run by the McCain camp. If our main concern is conservative issues, and winning the debate on abortion, gay marriage, etc… then McCain chose a fire cracker who might actually refuse to sell out. It seems we have a better chance to get a republican in now. Is not this a pragmatic way of thinking…
Sarah Palin will make a great VP (validity of concepts) because we will get a better chance at getting McCain in now (practical results).
Voting for the Constitution party is a vote for Obama (validity of concepts) because you are dividing the Republican party (practical results).
Sarah Palin will make a great VP (validity of concepts) because she will fight hard for those conservative issues (practical results).
Sarah Palin will make a great VP (validity of concepts) because she is the best person for the job (practical results).
I am trying NOT to build a straw man here… I think this would be the outline of pragmatic reasoning for supporting the McCain camp. It recognizes that the Constitution party doesn’t have a chance (barring a miracle). It does not want to waste a vote. The issues of the day are too important (and they are). Therefore, since Sarah has great secular qualifications, it is incumbent upon Christians to save unborn children, and vote Republican.
Is pragmatism inherently sinful? Or, said differently, is it biblical to make a decision based upon a perceived outcome (a vote for an impossible candidate is a vote for Obama. The lesser of two evils is McCain, therefore, I vote for McCain). Really, this is the question… the rest will flow out from this point. If it is perfectly within God’s will to assess the situation and make a decision based upon the perceived outcome, then the fact that she is female, or that her daughter is unwed and pregnant, or that there will be some confusion between her husband submitting to the state and leading his house, is not an issue. She has character, virtue, and right values (just the little bit that I know).
I realized how much the Bible really does not come into play while I was talking to a relative recently. She was excited about McCain’s choice for VP. I knew from prior experience that it would be utterly stupid for me to even ask what the bible said about having women lead the country. Until we are willing to say some things (from the Bible) either qualify or disqualify a potential candidate from office… the fact that she is female is a moot point.
Oh… I better address this one so we don’t waste time with straw men… Yes, Deborah was a female political leader in Israel. But I certainly would not build an exegetical case for female leadership from that text… that’s just plain weak!
Lastly, where are the men? Sarah seems to show more courage than all the politically correct politicians in Washington. Everyone should watch “Mr. Smith goes to Washington.” Men… let us grow a spine! I realize McCain was probably being pragmatic and picked her because of the political chess game… she will get those swing votes… I think it will be funny when she confronts McCain on his own “good ol’ boy” politics if they are working together for 4 years… it may be the longest 4 years of his life! I am all for courageous and strong women (Proverb 31.25). I am just sad that we men have sold out so that a woman has to speak up for us… how pathetic. Men… be men! Control your passions! Read God’s word to your family! Study to show yourselves approved! Lead your family! Lead in the church! And if God puts us there, lead in the arena of politics, for the glory of Christ!
For biblical principles on Women in Civil Officehttp://www.visionforumministries.org/issues/ballot_box/should_christians_support_a_wo.aspx
For Geoffry Botkin's excellent critique http://www.visionforumministries.org/issues/ballot_box/the_miraculous_sanctification.aspx#n2
To the King, and the Kingdom!
Definition of “Pragmatism.” Testing the validity of all concepts by their practical results. Synonyms include: utilitarian, realistic, logical. (Webster’s New World Dictionary).
For my pragmatic voting brothers, I would think that Mrs. Palin was an excellent choice. It would seem to be a home run by the McCain camp. If our main concern is conservative issues, and winning the debate on abortion, gay marriage, etc… then McCain chose a fire cracker who might actually refuse to sell out. It seems we have a better chance to get a republican in now. Is not this a pragmatic way of thinking…
Sarah Palin will make a great VP (validity of concepts) because we will get a better chance at getting McCain in now (practical results).
Voting for the Constitution party is a vote for Obama (validity of concepts) because you are dividing the Republican party (practical results).
Sarah Palin will make a great VP (validity of concepts) because she will fight hard for those conservative issues (practical results).
Sarah Palin will make a great VP (validity of concepts) because she is the best person for the job (practical results).
I am trying NOT to build a straw man here… I think this would be the outline of pragmatic reasoning for supporting the McCain camp. It recognizes that the Constitution party doesn’t have a chance (barring a miracle). It does not want to waste a vote. The issues of the day are too important (and they are). Therefore, since Sarah has great secular qualifications, it is incumbent upon Christians to save unborn children, and vote Republican.
Is pragmatism inherently sinful? Or, said differently, is it biblical to make a decision based upon a perceived outcome (a vote for an impossible candidate is a vote for Obama. The lesser of two evils is McCain, therefore, I vote for McCain). Really, this is the question… the rest will flow out from this point. If it is perfectly within God’s will to assess the situation and make a decision based upon the perceived outcome, then the fact that she is female, or that her daughter is unwed and pregnant, or that there will be some confusion between her husband submitting to the state and leading his house, is not an issue. She has character, virtue, and right values (just the little bit that I know).
I realized how much the Bible really does not come into play while I was talking to a relative recently. She was excited about McCain’s choice for VP. I knew from prior experience that it would be utterly stupid for me to even ask what the bible said about having women lead the country. Until we are willing to say some things (from the Bible) either qualify or disqualify a potential candidate from office… the fact that she is female is a moot point.
Oh… I better address this one so we don’t waste time with straw men… Yes, Deborah was a female political leader in Israel. But I certainly would not build an exegetical case for female leadership from that text… that’s just plain weak!
Lastly, where are the men? Sarah seems to show more courage than all the politically correct politicians in Washington. Everyone should watch “Mr. Smith goes to Washington.” Men… let us grow a spine! I realize McCain was probably being pragmatic and picked her because of the political chess game… she will get those swing votes… I think it will be funny when she confronts McCain on his own “good ol’ boy” politics if they are working together for 4 years… it may be the longest 4 years of his life! I am all for courageous and strong women (Proverb 31.25). I am just sad that we men have sold out so that a woman has to speak up for us… how pathetic. Men… be men! Control your passions! Read God’s word to your family! Study to show yourselves approved! Lead your family! Lead in the church! And if God puts us there, lead in the arena of politics, for the glory of Christ!
For biblical principles on Women in Civil Officehttp://www.visionforumministries.org/issues/ballot_box/should_christians_support_a_wo.aspx
For Geoffry Botkin's excellent critique http://www.visionforumministries.org/issues/ballot_box/the_miraculous_sanctification.aspx#n2
To the King, and the Kingdom!
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